
Ski touring 101

(Last update: 2023-01-16) Ski touring 101 First: Don’t do it, the back country is full, no more people allowed ;) This is some notes I made after getting into ski touring over the last couple years. Mostly it started as an email attempting to convince a specific set of my friends to join me in the backcountry; their skiing and mountaineering skills vary greatly. After writing most of this I discovered Kyle McCrohan’s excellent article on the same subject.
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Endurance Training

WARNING: I am absolutely no expert in endurance training, this is simply my notes mostly on Physiology from reading a few books. Take nothing you read here too seriously. When I took up cycling (roughly 2014) and was frequently being dropped on my group rides, I bought a book, Cyclist’s Training Bible (CTB1) by Joe Friel. I read most of it at the time, but never took too much of it to heart and certainly never implemented a training plan from it.
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